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영어 단어 post office 우체국 관련 단어 및 예문 정리 - 택배를 영어로?

by 지식 모아 Good Money 2023. 7. 29.

영어 단어 post office 우체국 관련 단어 및 예문 정리

계속 연재하는 단어들이 꼭 토익에만 해당 되는 부분은 아니어서

토익 분야별 어휘에서 영어 전체 단어 개념으로 연재 하려고 합니다.

오늘은 post office 우체국 관련된 단어와

영영 풀이도 함께 준비 했습니다.

영어 공부에 조금 이라도 도움이 되었으면 합니다.


stamp (우표)

Meaning: A small piece of paper with adhesive backing that is attached to mail to show that postage has been paid.

Example sentence: Don't forget to put a stamp on the letter before you mail it.

편지에 우표를 붙이기 전에 꼭 기억해 주세요.


correspond with (편지왕래 하다)

Meaning: To communicate with someone by exchanging letters or emails.

Example sentence: I used to correspond with my pen pal from another country.

 다른 나라의 펜 팔과 편지를 주고받곤 했었어요.


courier service (택배)

A service that provides fast and secure delivery of packages and documents.

Example sentence: The courier service delivered the important documents within 24 hours.

택배 서비스로 중요한 문서를 24시간 내에 배달받았어요.


enclose (동봉하다)

Meaning: To include something, such as a letter or document, with a package or envelope.

Example sentence: Please enclose a copy of your ID along with the application form.

신청서와 함께 신분증 사본을 동봉해 주세요.


express mail (속달)

Meaning: A fast mail service for urgent deliveries.

Example sentence: If you need the package to arrive quickly, you can choose express mail.

속달로 빠르게 소포를 받고 싶다면 선택할 수 있어요.


fragile (파손되기 쉬운)

Meaning: Easily broken or damaged.

Example sentence: The package contained fragile items, so the delivery person handled it with care.

소포 안에는 파손되기 쉬운 물품이 들어있어서 배달원이 주의해서 다뤘어요.


money order (송금환)

Meaning: A payment order for a specific amount of money, often used for sending money through the mail.

Example sentence: He sent a money order to his family back home to help with their expenses.

그는 가족에게 지출을 도와주기 위해 송금환을 보냈어요.


outgoing mail (발송우편물)

Meaning: Mail that is being sent or leaving from a specific location.

Example sentence: The post office collects the outgoing mail in the afternoon.

우체국은 오후에 발송우편물을 수거해요.


package (짐, 소포)

Meaning: A wrapped or boxed item for transportation or delivery.

Example sentence: The package contained a birthday gift from my friend.

소포 안에는 친구로부터의 생일 선물이 들어있었어요.


postage (우편요금)

Meaning: The amount of money paid for sending mail or packages.

Example sentence: The postage for international mail is higher than domestic mail.

국제우편물의 우편요금이 국내 우편물보다 높아요.


registered mail (등기우편)

Meaning: Mail that requires a signature upon delivery, and its journey is recorded for added security.

Example sentence: For important documents, it's better to send them via registered mail.

중요한 문서인 경우 등기우편으로 보내는 것이 좋아요.


urgent reminder (독촉장)

Meaning: A message or notice sent to prompt immediate action or attention.

Example sentence: The company sent an urgent reminder to pay the outstanding bill.

 회사가 미납된 청구서를 지났음을 알리기 위해 독촉장을 보냈어요.


seal (밀봉하다)

Meaning: To close an envelope or package securely by sticking it together.

Example sentence: After putting the letter inside the envelope, she sealed it and added a stamp.

편지를 봉투 안에 넣은 후 밀봉하고 우표를 붙였어요.


wire (송금하다)

Meaning: To send money electronically from one person or place to another.

Example sentence: He wired the payment to the supplier to complete the transaction.

거래를 완료하기 위해 그는 공급업체에 송금했어요.
